Pro FIT grant for Advanced conversation and data analysis through generative AI from Berlin has set itself the goal of fundamentally improving the way companies analyze their internal conversations and data. With the support of Pro FIT grant from IBB Berlin (Investitionsbank Berlin) with a financial contribution from the European Union (ERDF), is developing an innovative solution that overcomes the limitations of modern generative artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver accurate, traceable and privacy-compliant results.

Goals of the project

The main objective of the project is to develop a tool that makes it possible to store large volumes of internal company conversations and information in a structured manner in an intelligent archive and to make it usable for analyses and queries. This solution is realized through the integration of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) and innovative speech recognition technologies.

Specific goals:

  1. Traceability of data sources: Ensuring transparency by linking text chunks with origin metadata.

  2. Consideration of language variations and context jumps: Adapting AI to understand and process different accents, dialects and non-continuous context jumps.

  3. Integration into existing enterprise SaaS solutions: Integration of the new technology into’s existing enterprise solution.

Expected results

By successfully implementing the project, companies are able to maximize the value of their meeting notes and internal information archives. The expected results include:

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity: Employees can access relevant information faster and more precisely, which leads to considerable time savings.

  2. Improved employee satisfaction: The simple and rapid availability of information reduces the workload and increases employee satisfaction.

  3. Compliance and data protection: The solution meets the strict requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and offers secure and transparent data processing.

  4. Competitive advantage: Companies that use the new solution can gain a competitive advantage thanks to more efficient workflows and a better basis for decision-making.

Financial support by the European Union

The total cost of the project amounts to EUR 952,335.38, of which EUR 343,305.08 is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This significant financial support underlines the relevance and potential of the project to drive digitalization and efficiency in European companies.

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